

A grade school teacher must save the world from aliens as he takes the role of a superhero from his favorite childhood TV show.

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Back in 1978, Shinichi was obsessed with a short-lived TV superhero show called ZEBRAMAN, set in the year 2010. When 2010 actually rolls around, Shinichi is a grade school teacher and family man who can’t get any respect from his students or his family. To escape this not-so-wonderful life, he makes himself a Zebraman costume and begins to prowl around the city at night. But what begins as escapism soon becomes a bizarre reality as a monster from the original TV show actually appears. Shinichi then realizes that his beloved TV show wasn’t science fiction but a prophecy foretold. And by dressing up as Zebraman, he elects himself as the fulfillment of that prophecy. Now he has no choice but to take seriously the role of Zebraman and protect the world from an alien invasion!