Black Ops OTF Comb


Steel comb in OTF knife case, with sheath.

Only 1 left in stock

Black Ops OTF Comb-0
Black Ops OTF Comb

You’re at a hotel, and as you run toward the crowded elevator, you see the woman of your dreams say “Twelve, please” just as the doors close. You panic, rush to the stairwell, and run up twelve flights of stairs at superhuman speed. You race to a stop in front of the elevator, which lights up “11”. You made it! But you catch your reflection in the polished elevator doors — your hair is a mess from running stairs! What to do??

Whip out this comb, push the button, and save the day, that’s what you do. This comb features a solid steel comb in a hefty OTF knife casing, ready to deploy at a moment’s notice. Be well prepared and well groomed for any situation. Includes a belt sheath for rapid deployment.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs
Knife Type

Knife Style

Blade Length

Closed Length

Glass Breaker

Seatbelt Cutter

Clip or Sheath


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